Sunday, April 27, 2014

Final Summary, Reactions, conclusion

During the course of blogging about obesity in the US these past few months, it made me realize how interesting of a topic this really is. At first, I knew nothing about this topic and now I know a lot about what this whole subject is about and how it can be applied to real life situations. I did not think of this topic to be a problem in the US but it actually is! During my survey, I looked to the people my age, people in mid ages, and people 30 and older. My hypothesis was that the older people would be more healthier and not eat junk food as much as younger people would. While looking at my results, I noticed that a lot of younger people around my age tended to eat a lot of healthy foods. This surprised me because I thought that most teenagers nowadays wouldn't eat a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables since there are so many unhealthy junk foods that are delicious. However, my hypothesis was correct and more adults eat healthier foods that teenagers do. I think this because they care more about their figure and having a balanced lifestyle. This effects every aspect of your life whether you are at work, home, or on the go. My emotions are surprised, excited, and happy that people my age are continuing to have a balanced eating diet everyday however the teenage generation needs to step up their game a little bit to eat healthier. If they don't they will be in serious danger in the future which can lead to serious consequences.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Revised Plan, Summary, Update

During the past week, I sorted out the questions in my google doc for my survey. I got my 9 questions approved to ask people about obesity and I started to give out the survey to people electronically. I edited my questions a few times so I can get a better focuspoint of what I wanted to ask people. So far, I sent out my survey to people in my IHA class page that are in the teenage years. Later on this week, I will focus my survey on the higher aged people so I can get more information for my survey. I will keep you posted! :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Strategy/Plan for Research

For my summary of research, my final decision is to do a survey online on a Google Doc form. I will direct this survey to teenagers specifically women and men in the range of ages 15-19 asking the same questions about how often they exercise and what they like to eat. I would then ask ages 21 and over about their eating styles. My hypothesis is that I think the older people would tend to eat healthier because they are more watchful of their weight and diet than teenagers are.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Suggested Research Method/Why

To summarize my research about Obesity and apply it to our lives now, I decided that I will ask people questions about their life through a survey. In my survey, I will ask questions like "How often do you exercise?" "Do you eat fast food often?" and "What is your favorite fast food restaurant?". Through this survey, it can give me a summary of people now who stay healthy and fit or just sit around on the couch.