Friday, January 24, 2014

Obesity Rate in the Real World

Obesity Rate 2013-Website

2. I think that this website is very interesting to me because it just shows how much the obesity rate has increased to 2013 according to Gallup Healthways. According to this graph on the website, adult obesity rate went up from 26.2% in 2012, to 27.2% in 2013.  This is a shame because many people in society have lost control of weight issues due to overeating and personal experiences. We should all make an effort to eating healthy every day because many Americans today are eating junk food like fast food or things like that which is very fattening. They might just want to eat fast food because of the low price value. It is easier for someone to just order fast food or eat junkfood because it's really good, or because of the low prices. You could easily find good food when it is organic. Even though it is expensive, it is worth the investment because this could easily impact your life. People could have a healthier lifestyle if they just change their eating habits to eating healthier each day. There are organic things to eat like milk, cheese, and eggs. Gallup says that people who are involved in their work and who are motivated usually eat healthier and exercise more. We could learn from this by constantly pushing ourselves to eat healthier to help our bodies.

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