Sunday, February 2, 2014

3. Obesity in Kids-Video

This video shows how obesity has affected kids in the US. So many kids are obese in America and they need to learn that eating healthy can change their life for the better. Many kids are obese from poverty issues as said in the video. They just eat fastfood for example just for convenience issues and low prices. Parents can deserve blame for this because they buy the food for the kids and they may not enforce eating healthy foods. They may have bad personal experiences bothering them that makes them want to give unhealthy foods to their kids. Starting to eat healthy could be very challenging at first but once you get the hang of it, it will seem like junkfood is gross.

1 comment:

  1. #2 After watching the youtube clip and reading your post, i agree with your opinion on the subject. I recently read an article that speaks to the effects poverty has on obesity. The article explained that the healthier, organic foods are more expensive than foods that are unhealthy. Convenience was a large factor in obesity because it is so easy to just stop for fast food rather than cooking a nutritious meal. I agree that obesity is a major issue in our country and we need to take steps to solve this problem.
