Saturday, March 15, 2014

8 Summary of Research-Obesity in US

Through the whole course of blogging about obesity
the past few months, I truly learned a lot about obesity in the U.S. Americans are faced with a big obesity epidemic and it has caused millions of people to be overweight from many internal and external factors. These problems include eating too much fast food, personal problems, money issues, portion sizes, and just bad parenting skills. It is a shame to say that both the kid and adult are at fault with this because the parents buy the foods for the kids to eat and the kids eat them. They need to think about the effects in the long run or else they will suffer severe consequences. Some tips for all people to stay healthy and not be overweight are always exercise, eat fruits and vegetables, and limit the fast food to little as possible or none at all. Although healthy foods could become a little pricey, every little thing can help you live a healthier life and make things easier for you when you get older. Every little thing that you do in your life to benefit your body can truly make difference and make you feel confident about yourself. Having a sense of determination and will power that you are going to make a difference to your life is the best remedy for being obese.

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