Sunday, March 2, 2014

6. Top 10 Healthiest foods you should have in your diet

Top 10 Healthy Foods

Have you ever had those foods like spinach, broccoli, or avocado? These foods don't sound as appealing as cookies or brownies do, but examples like these help us live a stronger life than ever before. As much as we hate to eat those healthy foods like avocado, broccoli, or spinach, these types of foods are the foods that can help us have a stronger immune system and live longer. The protiens and vitamins supplied within these healthier foods give us the strength and vitamins to go through our daily lives. Having a healthy food diet everyday can make it seem like a routine rather than a thing you "have" to do. This specific website shows the top 10 healthy foods that most people despise however are beneficial to the body in many ways. As you can see, apples is the first food on that list of healthy foods. With a food like apples, these have antioxidants and are said to extend lifespans. This isn't a type of food that someone would most likely say "yuck" to also so it is a good choice when having a snack. Almonds are also on that list of healthy foods because almonds have a lot of vitamins that help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. They also have the most fiber than any other nut. Followed by almonds on the list are other healthy foods like brocolli, blueberries, fish,green vegatables, sweet potatoes, wheat germs, avodacos, and oatmeal. All these foods have a good source of nutrients and vitamins to help someone live a long life. The goal of eating these healthy foods is to make it a priority in your life by eating them everyday. You don't want it to seem like its a job you have to do by eating healthy. You want it a part of your lifestyle.

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