Sunday, February 9, 2014

4. Obesity impacting lives

Obesity has a major influence in peoples' lives negatively. Obesity could be caused from past experiences, losses in the family, or laziness. The past 2 weeks, I watched a recent show called "My 600 pound Life". This show had a big impact on me because it gave me an outlook to someone's life who really did not take care of themselves. On this show, it shows the viewers someone who is 600+ pounds and the whole show is the person trying to get their life back to normal weight. It is not usually a positive outcome, however, because people just give up in the beginning. It shows their rough journey through the process of loosing 200+ weight or less. They try and eat healthy foods, and exercise everyday. In most cases, they would have to get the fat surgically removed since it is so much excess weight. This show displays to me that if you really let yourself go by eating too much junk, it would just lead you to negative impacts and possibly even death. On most episodes of the show, it is from past experiences, or the people around them impacting them. The people around them could not be supportive in some cases. On one episode I watched, the husband was not supportive of the wife loosing any weight at all because he only liked fat women. The woman had no moral support even from her own husband, but luckily she managed to loose a lot of her weight with the support of her friends. From watching this show, it has taught me that if you push yourself to achieve your goals, then you will be successful.
Show on TLC called "My 600-lb Life"

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