Tuesday, February 18, 2014

5. Fast foods- The Real Truth

What are you really eating when you eat fast food??-Website

I'm sure all of us has had fast food at least once in our life. But did you ever realize what you are actually eating whenever you eat fast foods?? I never researched the ingredients in the foods either so you are not alone, but after I read this article, it truly shocked me. After seeing the harmful chemicals that I am eating when I eat fast food, it creeps me out how gross it is. I could not believe that I was putting things like that into my body. The fact that millions of people everyday order fast food from McDonalds, Wendy's Burger King, KFC, and Taco Bell and little do they know that food like this could harm your body tremendously. The one that shocked me the most was the McDonalds chicken mcnuggets because I eat those a lot when I go out for fast food sometimes. It is mechanically separated meat where bones and carcass of a leftover chicken are mixed together in a food processor. This is the stuff that chicken is made of before it goes into your mouth. It is gross. These shocking truths about everyday fast foods make me realize how disgusting it really is to digest stuff like this when people eat it everyday. It is amazing how people don't really care about what really goes into your mouth when you eat fast food. They only care about how good it tastes or how cheap it is and it is a shame.

1 comment:

  1. This article was truly shocking to me. I have heard previously of the horrors of McDonalds' chicken nuggets, but I was surprised that foods like salads also contained chemicals. I would categorize myself as someone who eats fast food, especially McDonalds, about once a month, but I always thought that was okay because I would get a salad and real fruit smoothie. This article has shown me I must be wary of all foods from fast food restaurants. I was also alarmed that it is legal for a certain amount of bugs to be in the food. I think I found this most surprising because I never thought the FDA would allow this. Although I was admittedly disgusted, I think this article was very helpful and educational.
